Hollow Myths - Bestiary Vol. One CD
Hollow Myths - Bestiary Vol. One CD
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Delve into the mystic netherworld of the Hollow Myth.
For those of you just joining us, this would be a fine place to begin.
Epic and tragic outsider Medieval Dungeon Synth, Dark Ambient and Black Metal.
Magical manifestations rooted in Fantasy, Nature and the Cosmos.
A collection of songs from the Hollow Myths releases featuring:
Equitant, Arthur, Isaedor, Gothmog, Depressive Silence, Solanum,
Lunar Womb, Apeiron, EK001 and Anosia. First in a series.
Each will include a "Phantom Hero" introduction letter from The Hollow Myth,
a 1.5" flat black Hollow Myths badge and one wild harvested stick of Palo Santo incense.
The first 13 will come with a "Bleeding Eye of Centar" pendant handmade by Canrith Knox.
Limited / Pro pressed and factory sealed CD.
Hollow Myths - Bestiary Vol. One shirts & long sleeves: